70 years after Matsukawa train derailment, archive strives to preserve vital documents(松川事件70年...風化と闘う 記録劣化に危機感)

Fukushima University Prof. Toshio Hatsuzawa sits in the Matsukawa Case Reference Library.(「資料の保存処理が急務」と話す初沢教授。資料室には10万点を超える資料が保存されている=福島大・松川資料室)

 FUKUSHIMA -- Seventy years have passed since a fatal train derailment in the Matsukawa area of Fukushima city, which led to what can be regarded as the largest case of false accusations in the postwar era, with 20 people found guilty before eventually being acquitted.
 On Aug. 17, 1949, a passenger train derailed and overturned, killing three train crewmen. This accident is known as the Matsukawa Case (see below).
 The memory of the incident is fading, as 18 of the 20 former defendants have died. Although surviving people involved in the case are getting quite old, they have a warning about the environment that led to the false accusations and are trying to pass their memories on to future generations.


 "Criticizing a trial itself was epoch-making at the time. The Matsukawa Case set a precedent in society that allowed people to say, 'The court ruling is wrong,'" said lawyer Yusaku Tsurumi, 85, a counsel of former defendants who filed a lawsuit after they were found not guilty seeking redress from the state. He stressed the significance of the case, while looking back on these 70 years.


 As the Matsukawa Case trials proceeded, ordinary citizens became suspicious about the trial and investigation of the case, spreading nationwide a call for a fair trial.
 Tsurumi was one of those who felt the tangible change of the times -- when not only the people concerned but also public opinion changed society.


 With the number of people involved in the case dwindling, court documents and letters written by former defendants have become precious relics of the case.
 Fukushima University -- which stores related documents in its Matsukawa Case Reference Library -- is working to strengthen its storage and management system of the documents.


 So far, more than 100,000 documents related to the case have been collected in the archives. Some have been collected by the university, while many other materials were entrusted to it by participants in the movement against false accusations who asked the library to pass them on to future generations.


 "Some paper documents have severely deteriorated due to aging. The mission of the archives to pass on materials to future generations is under threat," said Prof. Toshio Hatsuzawa at Fukushima University, who became the first chief of the library last year.


 Because paper at that time was highly acidic, if these documents are left untreated, "They will disappear into dust," Hatsuzawa said.
 "If such important materials are further damaged, the records can't be handed down to future generations. Thus, preservation of the documents is an urgent task," he said.


 Fukushima University has carried out preservation treatment for some of the documents, including the evidence that led to the 20 defendants' not-guilty verdicts. It also plans to carry out similar preservation for remaining important documents, but has not done so due to the significant cost involved.


 In 2017, a nonprofit organization comprising the university and supporters embarked on efforts to raise public interest in the Matsukawa Case, aiming to add the case to UNESCO's Memory of the World list. The registration was not granted when applied for in 2017, as the case was not up to the standards. They are preparing to apply for the registration again.


 Matsukawa Case:A local train derailed and overturned between Kanayagawa and Matsukawa stations on the Tohoku Line in Fukushima, killing three train crewmen early in the morning of Aug. 17, 1949. A total of 20 people, including labor union members of Toshiba Corp. and the now-defunct Japanese National Railways, were arrested and indicted on charges of causing death by overturning the train. In the trial at the Fukushima District Court, all the defendants were found guilty, with five sentenced to death. However, all of them were eventually acquitted after the Supreme Court sent the case back to the lower court. 

( Translated by The Japan News )

 松川事件 1949年8月17日未明、福島市の東北線金谷川―松川間で普通列車が脱線、転覆し乗務員3人が死亡した事件。国鉄と東芝の両労組組合員ら計20人が逮捕、列車転覆致死罪で起訴された。一審福島地裁では5人が死刑など、全員が有罪判決を受けたが、最高裁が差し戻して最終的に全員が無罪となった。

 【 2019年8月15日付・福島民友新聞掲載 】